The square edged logs with wane as structural elements in building

The purpose of this technical manual is to provide the reader with information regarding a typical wood product used in Italian architecture.
(Updated version, 2012)
Chapters of the technical manual: (only italian)

  1. Introduction
  2. Tradition and innovation in the production of "Uso Fiume" and "Uso Trieste" beams
  3. "Uso Fiume" and "Uso Trieste" beams: from traditional to modern architecture
  4. The research project
  5. The applicable standards
  6. Static "online" calculation of "Uso Fiume" and "Uso Trieste" beams for floors and roofing
  7. Bibliographical references
The square edged logs with wane as structural elements in building
The square edged logs with wane as structural elements in building
The square edged logs with wane as structural elements in building
The square edged logs with wane as structural elements in building

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